Importance of Career Counselling

Importance of Career Counselling 

 In recent times, career counseling has got the recognition it needed. Career counselling in India had never been much popular amongst students. However, people like parents or students now become concerned about one’s career choices due to unsuccessful jobs and stressful lifestyle. Now, students are more inclined towards making a career in the field they are passionate about. And, the most reliable way to understand your career choices is career counselling.

It will not be wrong to define career counselling as a never-ending process. Going throughout life, the process lets you decide the best career option at any age. Whether you are a student who just completed the higher studies or an employee working somewhere you no longer want to work, career counseling is for everyone that needs to know their calling. However, it is most effective for students that want to decide on a dedicated and successful career path. Career counseling in India helps students to find their right career path by examining their core competencies.

If you think passing exams is the only difficult thing in a student’s life, then you haven’t asked them about their career yet. Deciding on the right career path has become a barrier for them. Teens are most of the time surrounded by questions like- what stream are you going to take after 10th, what to do you want to be in the future, or what’s your dream job? These are some of the questions that increase the pressure on a student. Many a time, career suggestions from others take the place of an individual’s real interest. These are critical aspects for a student that we forget to watch.

Need for Career Counsellors

Many students unaware of effective career choices, chooses the bandwagon of popular jobs. This is not the right way to take one of the most important decisions of your life, your career. In this cut-throat competition time, students want to pick nothing but the best career track for a successful life ahead.

There are so many career opportunities that students by getting puzzled often take irrelevant courses and then suffer in an uninteresting job. Career counselling, therefore, is an important aspect to consider before making a career decision. It is a key component in today’s education sector that promises to deliver the best results in terms of education.

On the other hand, many people change their career track after settling into a job. This is most likely due to the fact that they haven’t consulted a career counsellor before starting their career. Everyone knows about popular job fields like engineering, law, and doctorate. However, there are many other areas too that can be considered for making your passion as your career choice. If you like stars and wish to do research about them, why take engineering? In such cases, maybe you are unaware of the skills you possess and just pursuing the most optimal option.

If you can relate to any of the discussed scenarios, finding and talking to a career counsellor can be the best decision of your life. Gone are the days, when the only popular choice for students was to get a degree, do a decent job in a government organization, and work until you retire. Today’s generation and career opportunities both are different and way too far than ever expected. In spite of the pressure of acquiring a leading career, most of the students need to have their passion blended in their career path. Career counselling can make it possible and much more.

Removes The Confusion Regarding Career

Experts working in a career counselling sector mentions that career opportunities are increasing day by day which ultimately affects the choice of a student. This situation leads to confusion for a student. When they have hundreds of choices, picking up the most valuable one is difficult. And, talking about the coaching institutes, they introduce new courses every month.

However, most of the time fail in providing effective results because of not having highly skilled teachers. In such cases, the only trustworthy option is to interact with a career advisor. Since they are career experts, they successfully deliver results by performing detailed research and comparison of choices. They highlight what’s right or wrong on a career path and in this way, a student can take a correct career route.

Shows The Right Education’s Path

Education setting is another very important aspect that has changed today. Unfortunately, it is now can be considered as a business. The education sector has positioned itself as one of the most lucrative business these days. Coaching and other teaching organizations are attracting students with highly engaging advertisements. Not to provide quality education, but they mostly target the selling of education degrees.

On the other hand, students take such courses in the fear of missing out on effective courses that will affect their careers. Indeed, students might affect their career, but, by opting for these platforms. Career counsellors are the saviors that can save you from the tricky education providers and guide towards the right path. They make proper decisions regarding the most suitable options for you.

Guides Based on Increased Competition

With more job opportunities in the market than ever, there is an expansion of the academic sphere too. Now the career ladder does not end at graduation, instead, it is growing further. People want to do a Masters or Ph.D. due to the fact that there is a significant disparity in demand and supply. Students are looking for valuable certification and diploma courses that can increase the value of their main degree.

However, organizations are having limited jobs for an enormous number of candidates and thus, companies are only targeting the best resource for them. Career counsellors are helpful in chalking out the best version of a student. They examine the strengths, weaknesses, and other factors of a student. Finally, they provide the right combination of the career field and the skills they possess.

Provides Technology Equipped Guidance

When everything in the world has embraced tech-driven solutions, even career counselling has started designing digital and accurate results. Other than career counsellors and companies, if you are a career-oriented person, you must have heard about career assessment tests. And, if not, career assessment tests are a widely used method to inspect the personal and professional skills of a student.

Students can take these tests, and understand their skills insights and what career path to be traveled. The best part about them, tech-driven solutions are error-free. Career counsellors use them to analyze a student and then suggest the best career choices.

In the process of career counselling, the students can leverage aptitude and personality test, which are not only fun but also highlights their personal skills suitable for a job. Career assessment tests lead to a discussion with career counsellors where they can determine their calling and invest their efforts in a perfect career track.

Most of the career assessment test is free and easily available online. They are especially helpful for teens that can make their right-career search easier. This hands-on and innovative approach is simple to find some effective career options; however, making the results comprehensive, career counsellors can help candidates to go with specific opportunities.

Skills To Become a Career Counsellor

Career counsellors ask, analyze, and tell you the best career path based on your skills and effective career alternatives present in the market. Rather than just researching what are the possibilities of a career, it is a great responsibility towards raising the education sector’s level. India is not really well and balanced when it comes to our education system. We have brilliant students or learners, but we mostly lack good educators. Career counselling in India, however, is a strong asset of the society that provides the right approach in shaping the career of a kid.

For those who want to make a career in showing others the way to their right career, below are some top skills they must possess.

  • Research Skills: With increasing career opportunities, people look for career counsellors that can end their search process. Career counsellors constantly keep them updated with new jobs and career choices with research practices.
  • Listening Skills: It can be assumed that career counsellors need to offer great advice to the students. However, there’s more to it. Listening patiently to the clients is what that is important to lead the discussion in the right direction.
  • Communication Skills: It is like a base for the career counselling process. It is not about telling people about career options, but how well you can explain those matters.
  • Empathy: It is one of the most essential quality to become a counsellor. Since counselling process includes interaction and discussion with children and their parents, empathy is vital to building a rapport with them.
  • Problem Solving Approach: Having this skill is helpful to resolve any career-related conflict between parents and children. A counsellor should be able to show a mutual path to both the parties.


Career counselling is a significant job profile where the person involved in essential practices like understanding one’s personality, core strengths, and skills. As per some reports suggest, there are nearly 12000 careers and knowing all of them is impossible.

Therefore, the critical thing for a career counsellor is to adopt the best practices and approaches relevant to career guidance in India. Career counselling is a strong chain that connects an individual to his dream job role. They update their knowledge regularly to come up with the latest and effective solutions.

Counsellors use scientific evidence along with a logical approach. The process is not only dependent on advice from career experts, but a huge chunk of information is provided by children and their parents. Briefly, career counselling is extremely helpful to build a student’s career and is a very important part of education.
